Saturday, April 18, 2020

Quantum Tattoo and a Digital Scannable Vaccine By Anita B. Hoge

President Trump has spoken about the “cure being worse than the problem”
Our country is in an economic tailspin and it’s time to share some insights with the happenings of the day. There’s a huge push for identity certificates that prove you’re immune to the CoVid-19 virus to be able to return to work. As of Fri, April 9, 2020, Dr. Fauci states that Coronavirus immunity cards are being discussed by the Whitehouse.

Virus Immunity Certificates (or voluntary digital biological markers)

Testing….More testing on everyone? So will we accept antibody testing for immunity to receive freedom passports to go back to work, play, go to school, go to the grocery store, etc.? Are we so brainwashed that the United States will have a herd mentality for herd immunity?

Antibody Based Freedom-Immunity Certificates is a reminder that Bill Gates had a pandemic exercise October, 2019 called Event 201 that has now become an Echo Chamber. What is the “new normal” of not spreading the disease to other people. Bill Gates pushes vaccinations where “contact tracing” (a process in which those within close contact with an infected person are closely monitored) can be done, in order to maintain necessary quarantines.

So will the flu vaccine have a tracking and scannable tattoo and code called a Quantum Tattoo? Will immunizations serve as a platform for digital identity? Will there be “forced vaccinations”or “forced to shelter at home” if you refuse? [Link]

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation proposes quantum dot digital tattoo implant to track CoVid-19 vaccine:


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