Thursday, April 16, 2020

Never Submit to Vaccine Mandates by anet Levatin, MD, Holistic Pediatrician

Those of you who are paying attention to the issue of impending vaccine mandates, have surely noticed that things are changing rapidly. More states are losing their religious exemptions. Recently Maine and New York were added to West Virginia, Mississippi, and California as states with no parental right to decline vaccines. Together these states constitute about 20% of the U.S. population. Think about that for a minute: 1/5 of our population no longer has the right to say no to vaccines if they want to send their children to school.

Medical exemptions are also being attacked as state legislatures propose laws limiting a doctor’s authority to grant vaccine waivers for their patients with autoimmune, neurological, and other medical conditions that contraindicate vaccines. Medical establishments are being told to limit medical exemptions to those few people who fit the very narrow CDC guidelines. This means you must take vaccines unless doing so would kill you or come close to killing you.

I am offended both personally and professionally that a few people (our legislators) who are paid off by criminal entities (pharmaceutical companies) can get away with dictating our rights and telling us what we must do to our bodies and the bodies of our children (inject them with vaccines).

There is a lot of misinformation being spread by pro-vaccine advocates that inflates the seriousness of the infections we vaccinate for. This propaganda frightens people into submitting to vaccines they may not want, and also marginalizes parents who have chosen to not vaccinate their children, claiming that their healthy children may be spreading disease.

Misinformation propagated by the establishment is scaring people in more ways than one.

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