Friday, August 11, 2017

Blockbuster Investigation by Ultra-Leftist Publication, The Nation, Determines There Was No Hack of the DNC and No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

The upshot is they don’t believe Trump and the Russians colluded on anything. These are leftists, people who vote for Hillary, vote for Crazy Bernie. They’ve concluded, they went out and hired four different forensic analysts from various organizations. They’ve been forensically analyzing all of this. The Nation has concluded that there wasn’t even a hack of the Democrat National Committee computer network, the servers. There was no hack. It was a leak.............In one evidentiary paragraph, they cite download speeds and data-transfer speeds, and they have been able to go back and they’ve looked at the metadata in some of this and they have found it’s been altered. But they’ve also found that the data-transfer speeds of the data on the network and on the servers could not possibly have happened over the Internet, even with fiber. It just could not have happened if the target was sending it to Russia.

The speeds achieved just could not have happened. The data was transferred all within the Eastern Time Zone, and they think probably on a thumb drive. In addition, they have discovered Word documents that were Russian-language templates, meaning you copy and paste whatever you find in a document on a server. You copy and paste it into these Word templates and it will automatically translate it to Russian and create Russian watermarks, and they have found that this is what happened.
But the data never went to Russia. It couldn’t have at the data-transfer speeds they found such as 22 gigabytes a second. (chuckles) That could not have been achieved. So it’s all coming home to roost here. I told you three weeks ago that the worm was turning on this. It was just a sense that I had; it was an instinct. And now, today — actually, last night — three separate stories. Here’s what I think is what’s driving this. Again, they wanted Hillary. They probably still do. She got jobbed. She was sabotaged.

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